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Cary Ballet Company dancers perform in a school

Educational Demonstrations

Educational Demonstrations

Nothing will be more inspiring for your students, than seeing other kids passionately pursuing their dream.
This dynamic is unique to Cary Ballet Company, as most other educational programming offered is performed by adults. Our dancers range in age from 9 – 21 and many of them are pursuing a professional career in dance. We are a mix of local, national, & international dancers who come to study at the Cary Ballet Conservatory. This special feature allows us to offer an arts education opportunity for your students, as well as the chance to connect with other kids who are actively & fiercely committed to achieving their goals. We allow for question and answer time, so that your inspired students, can learn more.

At your school, we will showcase our pre-professional, male and female dancers in an interactive, fun way for your students, while educating them in the art/history of dance. We are flexible on the length of the presentation, although most run 45-50 minutes, & flexible on the number of daily viewings. There will also be a Q & A time for your students, as well as volunteers learning choreography & performing it with our dancers.

Cary Ballet Company dancers with young children
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